By Dr Peter Harrop, Chairman, IDTechEx
The burgeoning electric vehicle EV industry cannot be understood by simply looking at cars. The complete market value is, and will remain, about double the market for cars. The leaders such as Toyota, Honda and Nissan make electric vehicles for many applicational sectors. Indeed, many of them also control the manufacture of the component that most affects price and performance – the battery. For example, Nissan has a major program to put next generation lithium batteries from its battery joint venture into its forklifts as well as its cars. Toyota makes heavy and light industrial EVs from forklifts to buses and mobility for the disabled, not just electric cars, and the knowledge in these different divisions is shared between them all. Much is written about hybrid cars but there are substantial sales of hybrid military trucks, buses and even motorcycles now.
New report
IDTechEx has therefore launched a new report on the whole subject called “Electric Vehicles 2010-2020”. It is based on ten years of researching the subject, intensive desk research, visits and interviews. There are chapters on Heavy Industrial, Light Industrial and Commercial, Mobility for the Disabled, Two Wheelers, Golf Cars, Cars, Military, Marine and Other Vehicles. That even extends to electric mobile robots, surveillance jellyfish and other Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), bats and electric aircraft. Detailed forecasts for these vehicle categories by numbers and value and the key components are provided for 2010-2020. The trends, technology and planned vehicles are clarified in 185 figures and 58 tables including the historical context. Winning and losing strategies are evaluated. Timelines are given of events to come.
At last the full picture of China
IDTechEx does not make the common mistake of reporting primarily on vehicles from the well known Western and Japanese manufacturers. 66% of the manufacturers of electric vehicles in the world are in China. Over 90% of the world’s electric vehicles were made in China, mainly for use in China. It has the largest potential market for electric vehicles. It mines and controls 95% of the world’s rare earth reserves used in the hybrid car batteries, motors and other key components of today’s electric vehicles. Of the 420 EV manufacturers covered in this new report, an appropriately high proportion are Chinese. This is particularly true of the chapters on Heavy Industrial, Light Industrial and Commercial, Mobility for the Disabled, Two Wheelers, Golf Cars and Cars, where the Chinese heavily participate – with, as yet, little publicity – because so much of it is for the domestic market.
Unique forecasts
New ten year forecasts for the whole EV market are only available from IDTechEx. The company finds that the electric vehicle industry will continue to exhibit strong growth for the next decade, though some sectors were impacted by the global financial meltdown and have yet to fully recover. Those participating in only one sector need to keep a wary eye on those with a broader vision: they must frequently review their strategy and avoid dangerous tunnel vision.
Good volume growth but greater value growth
The 29 million EVs sold in 2010 will rise 69% to 49 million in 2020 but the value of the market will grow by far more because larger and more expensive vehicles are now rapidly adopting the technology. Motorcycles, military vehicles, buses and earthmovers are among them. Hybrids will rise from about 50% to about 60% of the value market through the decade. In ten years from now, a far higher percentage of the global output of light industrial vehicles, commercial vehicles and cars will be EVs.
The new report gives the detail, forecasting numbers, unit value and total market value for each applicational sector with many original tables giving subsets of the data and a large number of profiles of current and planned activities of the participants. Some EV sectors were hit by the global financial meltdown but are recovering. Many sectors now benefit from the tsunami wave of government benefits, technical innovations and new models becoming available. We evaluate these aspects and the market drivers, including what users really need. Battery, motor and other technology is explained and forecasted as well.
This report “Electric Vehicles 2010-2020” is a sister report to IDTechEx reports about the two most important subsectors of the EV business - “Hybrid and Pure Electric Cars 2010-2020” and “Car Traction Batteries – The New Gold Rush 2010-2020”. The report comes with one hour of free telephone or email consultancy to fill in any information you still require after having read it. [PR]
automotive cars
Selasa, 02 Februari 2010
Jumat, 24 Juli 2009
Indonesia Internasional Motor Show Resmi Dibuka
Pameran akbar Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) kemarin (24/7) oleh Menteri Keuangan sekaligus Pelaksana Tugas Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian DR. Sri Mulyani Indrawati di Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran. Hadir pula pada pembukaan Menteri Perindustrian Fahmi Idris.
Kehadiran kedua menteri pada pembukaan pameran ini merupakan bentuk dukungan pemerintah terhadap industri otomotif Indonesia yang tetap optimis walaupun terus mendapat tantangan akibat krisis global.
Dalam sambutannya mewakili Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Sri Mulyani mengatakan bahwa pameran IIMS dapat dijadikan rujukan sebagai pameran berskala internasional yang diselenggarakan Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, para pelaku bisnis otomotif bisa memanfaatkan momentum ini untuk meningkatkan investasi.
Ketua Gaikindo Bambang Trisulo mengatakan bahwa sekalipun krisis global yang saat ini masih terasa dampaknya di berbagai sektor industri di Indonesia, termasuk otomotif, hal itu tidak menyurutkan langkah para pelaku industri otomotif. Melalui ajang IIMS ini, justru pelaku industri otomotif nasional ingin membuktikan eksistensi dan sikap positif di tahun yang penuh tantangan serta ujian kesabaran ini.
Tema pameran kali ini adalah “Drive for a Better Life”. Menurut Bambang, tema ini mencerminkan tekad industri otomotif nasional dalam meningkatkan kehidupan masyarakat ke arah lebih baik, yaitu kehidupan yang berkualitas.
Penjabaran dari tema tersebut, bisa dilihat pada tingkat proses dan produksi, industri otomotif menghadapi tuntutan untuk menciptakan inovasi teknologi yang memanfaatkan bahan-bahan ramah lingkungan, peningkatan pemakaian kandungan lokal, dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Sedangkan pada tingkat nilai guna, hasil industri otomotif harus mampu meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan yang lebih baik baik pengguna dan lingkungannya.
“Industri otomotif diharapkan mampu mengajak semua kalangan untuk semakin peduli terhadap kualitas lingkungan hidup. Hal ini termasuk memperhatikan dampak dan isu lingkungan yang terkait dengan proses, produk, maupun pemanfaatan teknologi otomotif sehingga akan tercapai kehidupan yang lebih baik,” ujarnya.
IIMS 2009 yang berlangsung sejak tanggal 24 Juli sampai 2 Agustus 2009 ini memulai babak baru dalam hal lokasi. Untuk pertama kalinya, IIMS diadakan di Jakarta International Expo – Kemayoran, dengan total luas lahan 100.000 m2, meliputi 36.000 m2 area indoor dan 64.000 m2 outdoor.
Meski sejumlah ATPM absen dalam pameran kali, IIMS 2009 akan menampilkan 21 merek mobil, 7 merek sepeda motor, serta 124 industri pendukung otomotif.
IIMS didukung dengan beragam acara menarik antara lain Achilles Drift Show & Battle, Wimcycle BMX Show, Motor Show Concert, Car Audio Show, Unique & Exotic Cars, Classic Car Show, Truckhead Pulling, Miss Motor Show, dan banyak lagi yang lainnya.
Selain itu, IIMS juga merangkul komunitas dan klub otomotfi tanah air dengan menggelar Community Club Gathering. Tak kurang dari 50 klub dan komunitas otomotif yang tergabung dalam Forum Komunikasi Klub dan Komunitas Otomotif (FK3O) tampil di ajang ini.
Johnny Darmawan, Ketua Pelaksana IIMS 2009 mengatakan bahwa perhelatan IIMS tahun ini diharapkan dapat mencapai target pengunjung 250 ribu orang dan total transaksi 1,7 triliun rupiah.
Ia pun menegaskan bahwa penyelenggaraan IIMS 2009 ini memberikan bukti pada dunia internasional, bahwa Indonesia merupakan tempat yang kondusif dalam pelaksanaan event-event internasional.
“Kami berharap, penyelenggaraan Indonesia International Motor Show 2009, dapat memberikan gambaran kemajuan industri otomotif Indonesia, sekaligus meningkatkan citra positif negara kita di dunia internasional,” ujarnya. pr/aa
Kehadiran kedua menteri pada pembukaan pameran ini merupakan bentuk dukungan pemerintah terhadap industri otomotif Indonesia yang tetap optimis walaupun terus mendapat tantangan akibat krisis global.
Dalam sambutannya mewakili Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Sri Mulyani mengatakan bahwa pameran IIMS dapat dijadikan rujukan sebagai pameran berskala internasional yang diselenggarakan Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, para pelaku bisnis otomotif bisa memanfaatkan momentum ini untuk meningkatkan investasi.
Ketua Gaikindo Bambang Trisulo mengatakan bahwa sekalipun krisis global yang saat ini masih terasa dampaknya di berbagai sektor industri di Indonesia, termasuk otomotif, hal itu tidak menyurutkan langkah para pelaku industri otomotif. Melalui ajang IIMS ini, justru pelaku industri otomotif nasional ingin membuktikan eksistensi dan sikap positif di tahun yang penuh tantangan serta ujian kesabaran ini.
Tema pameran kali ini adalah “Drive for a Better Life”. Menurut Bambang, tema ini mencerminkan tekad industri otomotif nasional dalam meningkatkan kehidupan masyarakat ke arah lebih baik, yaitu kehidupan yang berkualitas.
Penjabaran dari tema tersebut, bisa dilihat pada tingkat proses dan produksi, industri otomotif menghadapi tuntutan untuk menciptakan inovasi teknologi yang memanfaatkan bahan-bahan ramah lingkungan, peningkatan pemakaian kandungan lokal, dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Sedangkan pada tingkat nilai guna, hasil industri otomotif harus mampu meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan yang lebih baik baik pengguna dan lingkungannya.
“Industri otomotif diharapkan mampu mengajak semua kalangan untuk semakin peduli terhadap kualitas lingkungan hidup. Hal ini termasuk memperhatikan dampak dan isu lingkungan yang terkait dengan proses, produk, maupun pemanfaatan teknologi otomotif sehingga akan tercapai kehidupan yang lebih baik,” ujarnya.
IIMS 2009 yang berlangsung sejak tanggal 24 Juli sampai 2 Agustus 2009 ini memulai babak baru dalam hal lokasi. Untuk pertama kalinya, IIMS diadakan di Jakarta International Expo – Kemayoran, dengan total luas lahan 100.000 m2, meliputi 36.000 m2 area indoor dan 64.000 m2 outdoor.
Meski sejumlah ATPM absen dalam pameran kali, IIMS 2009 akan menampilkan 21 merek mobil, 7 merek sepeda motor, serta 124 industri pendukung otomotif.
IIMS didukung dengan beragam acara menarik antara lain Achilles Drift Show & Battle, Wimcycle BMX Show, Motor Show Concert, Car Audio Show, Unique & Exotic Cars, Classic Car Show, Truckhead Pulling, Miss Motor Show, dan banyak lagi yang lainnya.
Selain itu, IIMS juga merangkul komunitas dan klub otomotfi tanah air dengan menggelar Community Club Gathering. Tak kurang dari 50 klub dan komunitas otomotif yang tergabung dalam Forum Komunikasi Klub dan Komunitas Otomotif (FK3O) tampil di ajang ini.
Johnny Darmawan, Ketua Pelaksana IIMS 2009 mengatakan bahwa perhelatan IIMS tahun ini diharapkan dapat mencapai target pengunjung 250 ribu orang dan total transaksi 1,7 triliun rupiah.
Ia pun menegaskan bahwa penyelenggaraan IIMS 2009 ini memberikan bukti pada dunia internasional, bahwa Indonesia merupakan tempat yang kondusif dalam pelaksanaan event-event internasional.
“Kami berharap, penyelenggaraan Indonesia International Motor Show 2009, dapat memberikan gambaran kemajuan industri otomotif Indonesia, sekaligus meningkatkan citra positif negara kita di dunia internasional,” ujarnya. pr/aa
Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009
Sabtu, 04 April 2009
The All New RX350
Antusiasne Pasar Premium Paska Peluncuran
Kurang dari sebulan sejak perkenalan resmi The All New RX350 kepada media dan masyarakat, saat ini jumlah pemesanannya telah mencapai angka 50 unit, dan diperkirakan akan terus bertambah. Antusiasme pasar kendaraan premium yang tinggi ini selain berkat citra brand LEXUS yang telah mendunia serta kualitas layanan personal yang telah menciptakan standar baru akan kata ‘luxury’ di kancah otomotif nasional, namun juga lantaran kekuatan produknya. The All New RX350 mengusung filosofi desain L-Finesse generasi terkini, menghadirkan kenikmatan berkendara dan kenyamanan ala sedan mewah, disinergikan dengan dinamisnya sebuah SUV.
Johnny Darmawan selaku Indonesia LEXUS Principal mengungkapkan, “Kami bersyukur dan berterima kasih atas dukungan serta kepercayaan pelanggan LEXUS di Indonesia, khususnya kepada para pelanggan The All New RX350 yang berkenan menunggu hingga 1 – 2 bulan untuk mendapatkan kendaraan ini.”
“Dalam kesempatan ini LEXUS Indonesia juga berharap dapat meluruskan beberapa rumor yang barangkali membuat pelanggan kami merasa tidak nyaman,” tambah Johnny Darmawan. “Kami bermaksud menegaskan kembali informasi bahwa The All New RX350 hanya dipasarkan di bawah brand LEXUS, dan bahwa Toyota tidak akan mengeluarkan produk yang serupa seperti saat generasi sebelumnya. Semoga informasi ini dapat membantu para pelanggan dalam menentukan kendaraan yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.”
Pernyataan ini juga dikuatkan oleh pihak Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) Jepang, yang menegaskan bahwa kendaraan tipe RX adalah spesifik untuk LEXUS. Toyota Harrier dengan tipe serupa tidak akan diproduksi lagi, karena TMC ingin menjadikan RX model utama dalam jajaran line up LEXUS di Jepang serta dunia.
Secara total, tahun ini LEXUS Indonesia telah membukukan pemesanan kendaraan mendekati angka 90 unit. Melalui The LEXUS Gallery sebagai distributor resmi sekaligus pusat layanan LEXUS di Indonesia, LEXUS berharap dapat terus menghantarkan personal luxury experience kepada pelanggan. /PR
Kurang dari sebulan sejak perkenalan resmi The All New RX350 kepada media dan masyarakat, saat ini jumlah pemesanannya telah mencapai angka 50 unit, dan diperkirakan akan terus bertambah. Antusiasme pasar kendaraan premium yang tinggi ini selain berkat citra brand LEXUS yang telah mendunia serta kualitas layanan personal yang telah menciptakan standar baru akan kata ‘luxury’ di kancah otomotif nasional, namun juga lantaran kekuatan produknya. The All New RX350 mengusung filosofi desain L-Finesse generasi terkini, menghadirkan kenikmatan berkendara dan kenyamanan ala sedan mewah, disinergikan dengan dinamisnya sebuah SUV.
Johnny Darmawan selaku Indonesia LEXUS Principal mengungkapkan, “Kami bersyukur dan berterima kasih atas dukungan serta kepercayaan pelanggan LEXUS di Indonesia, khususnya kepada para pelanggan The All New RX350 yang berkenan menunggu hingga 1 – 2 bulan untuk mendapatkan kendaraan ini.”
“Dalam kesempatan ini LEXUS Indonesia juga berharap dapat meluruskan beberapa rumor yang barangkali membuat pelanggan kami merasa tidak nyaman,” tambah Johnny Darmawan. “Kami bermaksud menegaskan kembali informasi bahwa The All New RX350 hanya dipasarkan di bawah brand LEXUS, dan bahwa Toyota tidak akan mengeluarkan produk yang serupa seperti saat generasi sebelumnya. Semoga informasi ini dapat membantu para pelanggan dalam menentukan kendaraan yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.”
Pernyataan ini juga dikuatkan oleh pihak Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) Jepang, yang menegaskan bahwa kendaraan tipe RX adalah spesifik untuk LEXUS. Toyota Harrier dengan tipe serupa tidak akan diproduksi lagi, karena TMC ingin menjadikan RX model utama dalam jajaran line up LEXUS di Jepang serta dunia.
Secara total, tahun ini LEXUS Indonesia telah membukukan pemesanan kendaraan mendekati angka 90 unit. Melalui The LEXUS Gallery sebagai distributor resmi sekaligus pusat layanan LEXUS di Indonesia, LEXUS berharap dapat terus menghantarkan personal luxury experience kepada pelanggan. /PR
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
Obama's Chrysler 300c is back on eBay. Buy it Now for $1,000,0000
The owner of a 2005 Chrysler 300c became aware that Barack Obama was the previous driver of his vehicle. A website has been created.... and the car has been placed on eBay.
The opening bid starts at $100,000 with a buy it now price of $1,000,000. The 300 c is loaded with leather, sunroof, navigation, chrome wheels, and a HEMI.
According to the website, in July 2004, Barack Obama took delivery of this 2005 Chrysler 300c from Park Plaza Dodge in Forest Park, Illinois. In 2007, Obama swapped his Chrysler sedan for a Ford Escape Hybrid at Hawk Ford in Oak Lawn, IL. Hawk Ford then transfered the 300C back to Park Plaza Dodge.
Finally in February 08, the current owner purchased the 300C from them.The car was previously listed on eBay in December 2008. There was a bidding war, and with about three days left, the top bid was a little above $125,000.
However, the owner canceled the auction due to short term capital gain tax issues.The owner intends to donate a portion of the proceeds to various charities.(MMD Newswire)
The opening bid starts at $100,000 with a buy it now price of $1,000,000. The 300 c is loaded with leather, sunroof, navigation, chrome wheels, and a HEMI.
According to the website, in July 2004, Barack Obama took delivery of this 2005 Chrysler 300c from Park Plaza Dodge in Forest Park, Illinois. In 2007, Obama swapped his Chrysler sedan for a Ford Escape Hybrid at Hawk Ford in Oak Lawn, IL. Hawk Ford then transfered the 300C back to Park Plaza Dodge.
Finally in February 08, the current owner purchased the 300C from them.The car was previously listed on eBay in December 2008. There was a bidding war, and with about three days left, the top bid was a little above $125,000.
However, the owner canceled the auction due to short term capital gain tax issues.The owner intends to donate a portion of the proceeds to various charities.(MMD Newswire)
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
Protect Your Cars Paintwork
Today's car finishes are very delicate and require special care. Avoid washing your car at automated car washes as this is a sure way of damaging your cars paint work. The best method to clean a car is still doing it by hand. You will need two buckets filled with clean hot or cold water and a wash mitt.
Only use the best car wash products on the market. Do not use any household cleaners as it will damage your cars paint. Park your car in the shade, use a hosepipe to remove and soften the dirt on your cars paintwork. Open the tap just a little as you want a slow flow of water, don't use a strong jet of water because the high pressure will blast dirt particles into the clear cote that protects the base coat. Start with the roof and work your way down.
When you have hosed the car down, open the tap for a stronger jet of water and remove the dirt under the wheel arches, reduce the flow and hose the tires and rims. Follow the directions of the car wash liquid and mix the required quantity into one of the buckets with water. Place both buckets next to the car; dunk the wash mitt into the bucket with the car wash liquid and start washing the roof working your way down. Rinse the mitt frequently in the bucket with clean water. When you have finished washing the car, take the hosepipe and rinse the car to remove the soap suds from the cars paint. Most people don't dry the car, but for the best results dry the car preferably with a microfiber towel or a chamois leather. Use a separate towel or chamois leather for the mags. For the best protection of your cars paintwork polish your car at least once every three months. Always follow the instructions on the polish container. If your car has mags use a good brand of mag cleaner and polish to put the shine back on them. Clean the windows with window cleaner and use tire polish to polish your cars tires. Never use dirty water, cloths or abrasive polishes. When you are finished you can step back and admire your bright and shiny car, knowing that the paintwork on your car will stay in a superb condition for years to come.
Only use the best car wash products on the market. Do not use any household cleaners as it will damage your cars paint. Park your car in the shade, use a hosepipe to remove and soften the dirt on your cars paintwork. Open the tap just a little as you want a slow flow of water, don't use a strong jet of water because the high pressure will blast dirt particles into the clear cote that protects the base coat. Start with the roof and work your way down.
When you have hosed the car down, open the tap for a stronger jet of water and remove the dirt under the wheel arches, reduce the flow and hose the tires and rims. Follow the directions of the car wash liquid and mix the required quantity into one of the buckets with water. Place both buckets next to the car; dunk the wash mitt into the bucket with the car wash liquid and start washing the roof working your way down. Rinse the mitt frequently in the bucket with clean water. When you have finished washing the car, take the hosepipe and rinse the car to remove the soap suds from the cars paint. Most people don't dry the car, but for the best results dry the car preferably with a microfiber towel or a chamois leather. Use a separate towel or chamois leather for the mags. For the best protection of your cars paintwork polish your car at least once every three months. Always follow the instructions on the polish container. If your car has mags use a good brand of mag cleaner and polish to put the shine back on them. Clean the windows with window cleaner and use tire polish to polish your cars tires. Never use dirty water, cloths or abrasive polishes. When you are finished you can step back and admire your bright and shiny car, knowing that the paintwork on your car will stay in a superb condition for years to come.
Rabu, 07 Januari 2009
Tank Presidency
Later on 20 January, the president elect Barack Obama will formally appointed as president of the United States. All preparations have been made, including making a "tank" a new presidency.
Tank? Yes, the car is more feasible presidency called tank. Not only because it is designed bulletproof, antimissile, but also because of, according to the designer of the car, there is no "elegant" at all.
"Oh my god ... why Obama is not all just wearing Abrams," so that their comments had to see photos of the car. Abrams tank is a series of powerful United States used in the war in Iraq.
Cars presidency is a Cadillac limousine. Designed for comfort food at a time, because the door is only as thick as 8 inch (20 cm). "With such strength, shooting just will not enjoy break through," said a news agency.
The General Motors, the manufacturer of the Cadillac, ensuring that the model Limo Obama is the original model, not a development model that has been there before. "Cars are made with special specifications, the test has been through various extreme conditions, but in accordance with the principle beauty Cadillac cars," said Joanne Krell K, spokesperson for General Motors.
Of course not opened to the public what is distinctive car, for the security aspects. "What is certain, if the president is in, all the commotion of the world will vanish. He will be in total isolation in the box is a very protected," said Joe Funk, a retired Secret Agency experienced oversee President Bill Clinton.
Said Joe again, although "isolated in the box," but Obama will still be connected with the outside world because all the communication equipment available. How the Internet? There ..! Phone? Do not also asked ... surely available. "Only in a flash, he was able to contact any of the world," said Joe.
Although the car was quite large and heavy, but the engines are made so that the form of energy. The goal clearly is not simply a car that is environmentally friendly. Made energy efficient, because the Secret Department considers the situation worst. For example, should the president was far from the threat, the car still has enough fuel. Not funny, is not it, when the time to secure the president, the car must first drop in gasoline to pom, or Mr. Obama should come out of the car broke down a taxi ago?
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